El Mina's Book Market

It goes without saying that yesterday was probably when the town had witnessed one of its most successful mini-projects. It was that Samer , the Tripolitan professor at a renowned university in town, and the activist if I may call him, had wanted to put to use the available resources in order to bring books back to life, and hopefully promote for a new fashion for reading them. Samer, and through the Cultural Agenda, made ties with a few fellows and created what is now known as the “ El Mina Book Marke t”, the first of its kind in Mina (Tripoli’s very own sea port) where used books are sold, bought and exchanged too, all in the sake of gathering enough money to send children back to school. The event was held in non-other than Rassif café , the roadside coffee shop that, I believe, had excelled in marking a new footprint and raising the bar for all future coffee shops in town. “An open air street market for used books. Kids' reading corner and family activities. If you'...