Birthday Wishes - Follow up

If your candle is lit, let others light their candles too This is a follow up on the birthday thing, If you don't know the big deal about it then you can Read More Here . For those who are still in the ambiance, two people actually managed to lift their spirits, kept my request in mind and actually DID something that made THEM or someone else happy. One of those was great enough to lift an errand off her sister's shoulders, and I quote: " yesterday i fried some lebanese pancakes (atayef ) instead of my sister, and i made a beautiful presentation for my family.. hehehe and they were like ! atayef ! .. i shocked my parents yesterday and they were happy .. it's somethin simple .. still i dedicate that to u bro .. so happy birthday !! " On the other hand, that other person was also charming enough to remember what I asked for when she spent some time with her special one, and I quote: " Nath !! it's not the usual Happy's a special day...