Anonymous Confessions

Let's play a game, shall we?
Apparently there's been an exhibition, a public art project for the american artist Candy Chang who thought it would be interesting to open up a space where people can anonymously project their confessions, their deepest secrets, and enjoy the reaction of whoever reads it.
Source: Original Article
"By the end of the exhibition, over 1500 confessions were displayed on the walls. It’s about sex, love, or fears of dying alone. By collecting the confessions of the hotel’s visitors, this project seeks to create a cathartic sanctuary for this temporary community and help us see we are not alone in our quirks, experiences, and struggles as we try to lead fulfilling lives."

Source: Original Article
Source: Original Article

This post is written for the benefit of the public.
I invite you everyone to do the same, let's share our secrets.

Hint: Post your confession in the comment field below while choosing the "Anonymous" profile


  1. I still love her

  2. İt hurts not to see him

  3. I do care about what people think of me

  4. i miss him, two years later

  5. I once peed out of our balcony, and I wasn't a child.

  6. I second Anonymous #3

  7. I miss him, one years later

  8. It hurts that he blocked me from his life

  9. I fell in love with a person that i never saw and he vanished.

  10. I find it extremely hard to love. I don't love anyone. Not even my best friends or my boyfriend. And it hurts. I want to know what love feels like.

  11. I live with my mother , but I miss my father a lot .

  12. I confess I do not like myself

  13. I don't like myself because others don't like me

  14. I would do anything to love someone and in return know what it's like to be loved.

  15. a piece of me died with him in the car that night and I can never get it back

  16. i still check everyday to see if he sent anything :p I have no idea how to stop waiting, i guess a part of me will always be waiting. Oh well.

    1. I'm waiting for him as well!! but I've never seen him!! I only chatted with him for 6 days 2 months ago. and since then I'm waiting for him to start a conversation...I'm waiting for him to come to Lebanon and See me. I'm waiting for him to love me!!
      I feel so silly. but am i waiting for him? or for the fact to be loved, to get married and leave Lebanon and EVERYTHING?? I don't know?!!
      but I'm sure that it will pass and one day I will stop waiting. I'm getting there and hope you're there already:)

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. I have faith that one day, "secret" will no longer be a synonym for "sadness".
    Though I ache with each previous post, I would like to share my happy secret: my best friend fell in love with me, and I like it.

    1. Thanks a lot :-) Glad to have seen a shining light in this post! And yes, secrets can be happy sometimes :)

  19. It sickens me, the fact that whatever I do, or decide to do will never impress my parents, and they have never been, and will never be really proud of me. Something will always be missing, there will always be something to criticize and change.

    1. have you ever tried talking to them about it? i mean really tried?
      (I tried something else honestly:P) i stopped being successful at anything till i reached a point of ultimate failure!and then when i barely passed an exam that i failed several times, and then they were happy just just cause i passed it!)
      i admit it really affected me, but the point is, when i failed i saw that they were still caring about me etc, and i discovered that it wasn't that they weren't proud of me, it was just that they wanted me to keep improving, that's why they used to do like your parents do with you!
      Wish you all the best! 422777

  20. Confession 1: I wish I can help everyone who posted here.
    Confession 2: I am willing to try.

    - Our parents will always criticize, out of good intentions as they want us to be the very BEST, although not always choosing the best time and method
    - People who left us (whether willingly or not) have taught us many lessons, let's accept the lessons and the memories.
    - Love is born in the human being, everybody loves, and everybody feels. If you can't feel it in the present, look for it in your past. That is your proof, and let that be your guiding light for the future as well.

    Sorry if I sound Lala-landish... My intentions are good

  21. I attract married guys and it's scaring the hell out of me. It happened 3 times so far. I keep pushing them away but I worry about the future.

  22. I love him .. the only problem is that I'm a guy.

    1. ever tried to think of love, without bringing in the sexual meaning to it?

    2. It is not a problem! it's Love!
      Whatever your sexual orientation is, be proud of everything of you :) and live your life the way YOU like.
      And it is possible that loves you also and he think it is also a problem :)

  23. He blocked me from all his accounts:Facebook,Twitter, Instagram,Pinterest, LinkedIn....He killed me digitally

  24. i lost my faith in God, more than once, and i did things i never believed in, i search for the devil just to prove that there's a thing called devil that exists, which will mean that God does too!
    I lost my will of life, never tried to commit suicide, but now i lost the meaning of life, i feel empty..but in respect of my old believes I still act as if Love is my motivation and I still let Love to be my guide...
    Recently I decided that even if I can't believe in anything, I'm going to believe in my Grand-Father for he was and always will be my idol!
    and maybe just maybe i can believe again in God, just because he did! 422777

    1. There is always hope. Just know that you are not alone :)

  25. I enjoy being lonely and not having a partner. I have no idea why but I'm unhappy every time I'm in a relationship and I prefer spending the rest of my life like that.

    1. I feel the same and as much as it comforts me it also scares me! will I ever be bale to tolerate marriage, look at me using the word " tolerate"! :) here is something for you : “Therefore, dear Sir, love your solitude and try to sing out with the pain it causes you. For those who are near you are far away… and this shows that the space around you is beginning to grow vast.
      Be happy about your growth, in which of course you can’t take anyone with you, and be gentle with those who stay behind; be confident and calm in front of them and don’t torment them with your doubts and don’t frighten them with your faith or joy, which they wouldn’t be able to comprehend.
      Seek out some simple and true feeling of what you have in common with them, which doesn’t necessarily have to alter when you yourself change again and again; when you see them, love life in a form that is not your own and be indulgent toward those who are growing old, who are afraid of the aloneness that you trust.
      And don’t expect any understanding; but believe in a love that is being stored up for you like an inheritance, and have faith that in this love there is a strength and a blessing so large that you can travel as far as you wish without having to step outside it.”

  26. I want to leave the house, be anywhere but here.
    I could yet I am still here, I don't understand why I haven't packed and left yet.

    1. I want to leave everything, country, house, work,...everything!! I want to start a new life away!! I can't pack, it takes lots of courage, I need money to leave the country!!...

  27. My mum is the worst influence in my life. I can't help but blame everything I do on her behavior and it's getting to me. I don't want to be like her. I wish it was socially acceptable for a girl to move out and start a life on her own, because I would've packed my things long ago. I can't stand being with a woman that selfish, inconsiderate and hypocritical and I am turning out to be just like her.

    1. I live with an alcoholic irresponsible selfish childish shallow mother....someday it will all end....keep the faith! you are not responsible for anyone's behavior, do not let her behavior determine who you are and destined to become!

  28. Same here. It's worrying.

  29. I wish my father is a man I can rely on! I wish I have a father who protects me from all the men in the world.
    Unfortunately, I'm a person who give love, advice, support and protection to her parents (both mother and father) and can never get or trust theirs.
    They have their way of loving me. I respect it but I don't like it a lot. I don't want to love my children the same way they love me.
    But, I love them because at the end, they are my parents.

  30. I had an affair. Was my true love.
    Got heartbroken badly. Took a year to recover.
    I still have trouble letting anyone else in after.

    1. so u haven't recovered yet...

  31. promised her i'd never think of her more than a best friend, just to prove that a guy and a girl can be friends cause she believe it's either in a relationship or not... after about 2 years I found out i'm falling in love with her!
    now I guess I love her, i dn't want to lose her, but still if I don't tell her i might lose her anyways...other than that even if she accepted, my parents might have a prob!

    1. Why would your parents have a problem?

    2. can't say more than that, but the situation is just like that...:S
      it's not a secret but i just hate talking about this issue in particular thing because it's should not be a problem in my opinion...
      my real problem is the first! the promise i made, and the chance that i might lose her...

  32. I have feelings for a guy who happens to be muslim.but my parents are "mot3assbin" so there is nowayyy we can be together ! Sometimes I go to see him secretly but the next day i feel so guilty for lying at my parents.My friends are also against that .I'm really tired i'm living in a constant fear that my parents discover that!I hate this society ! And i hate myself for not having enough courage to fight for what i believe in.

    1. just keep talking to him as friends till you grow up a bit more, try to talk about the things our parents and our society find it as Problems, like, will your kids be baptized or not, will they fo to church? jeme3 or none or both? you have to be in a total agreement with him on all of these facts you can not come around and say i am open minded i do not care about these silly stuff, for you it might be silly, and i am not saying they are important or not, I only saying that you should take them into consideration for the sake of your children to come!
      you should take into consideration not only the amount of trouble that you both will go through, but also the amount of trouble your children to come will/might go through!
      for example, i have my friend he's muslim but his mom is christian, now he loves a christian girl, but when her parents ask about his religion he just says i dn't mind (not implying that it's wrong or anthg) i am just saying that one he'll be lost, 2- her parents are always reluctant to say yes, because his father is a muslim!
      so people like that (mot3asbin aw call them whatever) will always find problems like these, and they might be silly and they are silly when u have love on your side! but think of them on a big scale i mean in a huge amount accumulating one after the other over years with hate and you losing friends probably or him or maybe even some of your family members etc...

    2. part 2-
      the point that i am trying to get to, is: is it really worth it, and if it is...can you really handle it! and I give you huge respect if you could!
      but please take into consideration all of the things i mentioned above not for your sake only but for the sake of your children to come, KNOW The responsibility that will be upon you and instead of fighting with your parents, or meeting secretly, try to find solutions for them...write them on a paper! reason them...think of the possibilities and think of a way on how to raise your children to come and how to find the adequate environement etc..
      honestly one of my secrets is that my self was in love with a muslim girl but it didn't work out..i still love her though, but me myself...i believe that love is pure and it's higher than anything you could imagine, and can never be broken not by distance nor by time! it has been 2 years now since i have ever seen/talked to her!

    3. but still her place in my heart stays the same and nothing will ever change! i also believe that love is not related to sexual stuff nor does it imply that 2 people should get married, if the circumstances are against, i find it best for those 2 to agree on simple kind of a relationship! that;s what i wanted to do in order not to lose the girl i loved but unfortunately she promised the same but never respected her promise, my idea was for us to stay friends and for me to become the man who she talks to when she needs help and/or someone who'll listen to her, i accepted to be away from her and never bother her just for her to stay happy etc...
      i don't know it might be too complicated and could the feelings of love between a couple could ever become feelings of friendship, my conclusion was yes, if the love was could turn to anything but hate, just to protect the relationship formed and to protect the lover and the loved one! because honestly after reading this, basically it became the most honest thing i ever believed in!

    4. last but not least...

      Love is patient .Love is kind.It does not envy.It does not proud.
      Love is not rude.It is not self-seeking.It is not easily angered.It keeps no record of wrongs.
      Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.
      It always protects,always trusts,always hopes,always preserves!

      and now i can only apologize for the long talk, my intentions were good so please do not get me wrong in any of this!
      and all i can say is good luck, all the best :D and may you stay with your loved ones, protect them and let them protect you and never lose any of them...also never forget that no matter how much your parents maybe"mot3asbin" they are just always trying to find the best for you, and give him a bit of a break they have they share of experience in life, so hear there side of the story too, and never take anything in a negative way...just believe in love and trust that no matter what happens, no what can take it away from your heart! :)

  33. you should confront them! sooner or later they will find out

  34. I see other guys my age probably engaged, married, and even having kids, and me still wandering here and there aimlessly. I know this is nonsense sometimes but I can't avoid the feeling of breaking down, it's really hard to imagine I was THAT close someday to being what I wanted to be, but had to find another way all because I failed. What If I didn't wanna end up like I am now? What if all I really wanted was some stability and peace of mind? a woman to love, a family to raise? I'm tired of these what ifs..

  35. I'm attracted to guys, and I'm okay with it. I've told some of my friends and they were very accepting. My sisters know too and don't mind it at all. I just hate that I can never tell my parents. I hate that I can never have the life I want unless I leave Lebanon. I love my country, but the amount of hate is repulsive!

    1. I'm sorry for the hate and the narrow-minded people. We love and support you. <3

  36. I have never been in Love.. I hope that one day I can experience it..

    1. you will!! you know why? because dreams do come true!! and a person who wishes to fall in love is a person that is full of love and deserves to be loved as well:)

      Keep on dreaming...there is nothing wrong with that:)I will keep on checking this amazing blog waiting for your new confession that says: I'm in love!!

  37. I'm hurt and scared from the idea of not getting married and having my own children!! it hurts deep inside when people look at you like if you're old and didn't get married till now. I want to meet someone who can love me and I really want to have kids. I'm hurt and scared!!!! I've never shared this with anyone and I always act like if this is not hurting me at all.BUT it does...

    1. I know how you feel. It sometimes even keeps me up at night.

  38. i think i'm falling in love with YOU O-O

  39. i'm 21 and i'm still afraid of the dark :) i cant sleep alone in a dark room, i get too terrified and sometimes even cry when i'm alone at home....
    i act as if i'm so strong and tough in-front of everyone i know, none of them know that i'm so fragile that even the smallest things can truly hurt me deep inside.. and even the most insignificant positive things can put me in tears of joy instantly

  40. I cried a lot yesterday and felt miserable until I decide finally to write this confession which demanded huge courage. I am actually feeling scared while writing it.
    I met an amazing friend six months ago. Suddenly I felt that he’s getting attached to me and I decided to help him not to but unfortunately I got attached to him instead. So I started to help myself knowing that this relationship is extremely wrong for both of us. I was about to get there especially after we talked honestly about it, but I failed by making 4 undefined and unnecessary stupid fights with him like if I was never mature and wise. My friend’s reaction was tough especially when I apologized although he’s did mistakes as well. But I decided to forget about what happened and tried to be friends with him again until our last fight 3 days ago.
    He’s reaction was tough as usual which made me more and more upset. But this time I was tougher than him. I ignored my friend and avoided talking to him. I was very hard on him. But deep inside me, I am upset with myself and never with him.
    Yes, my friend did hurt me at a certain point but let’s admit it. I am the one who’s responsible of all these fights because I allowed to my sensitivity to control me and to hurt me at the first place. I allowed to my unhealthy and unstable feelings to create such fights with a friend that I love.
    I don’t know right now if I can forget easily what happened. I don’t know if I will forgive myself. I don’t know if we can be friends again. For me this will take time. I need time to get out of all this mess asking God to help me not to hurt myself and anyone else during this period.
    I need to be positive and happy again helping and supporting everyone including him. And despite all what I am currently feeling and all what happened, I am sending my friend a huge hug and a kiss on his cheek.

  41. She's gone. OFFICIALLY. I miss her and I know she's not missing me.
    It hurts to handle the pain alone.

  42. My biggest fear has always been to be like everybody else. but now, i feel i am just like everybody else, and perhaps worse. I am turning 25, have a small child, separated since months from my husband-but not divorced-not decided, living with my parents but unemployed, i work sometimes as freelance, i am stuck with my thesis work because i am depressed since the end of spring after we broke up, and my advisor is sick anyways. i am still overweight need few points (29.sthg) to be officially fat.
    i also feel that people don't like our family. perhaps they find us strange. we are poorer but we are smarter. we don't organize things in fancy way as they do. our living room is lively and small, our background for eid photos are the hanged laundry in the garden, our birthday cakes are homemade-but of the best ingredients believe me. i don't think these people are happy.
    anyways, given my depression i scheduled an appointment for psychotherapy tomorrow and i'll see what is to happen of my life. but just that i am like evrybody else makes me more depressed, and i am no more the person i w=once was or wanted to be.

    1. You're not like everybody else. You're different. you're a mom. you're strong. And, the way you described your home, your family and your home-made cake proved that you are different and yes smarter. You are genuine. The decision to see a psychotherapist is a brave and smart one. Bravo! this means your child has the best mom in the world. Love :)

    2. Thank you. I know this is just a compliment to bring a smile to my face; but it worked.

      the idea of this post is so nice, and reflects how sad people are these days. another justification for all the horns in town, the hatred, bombings, ad killings everywhere.

    3. It's not a compliment. It's the truth. I am so happy you smiled and this is what you should always do. SMILE

    4. is there a chance to know what happened ever since?

    5. I hardly googled this post to read my confession. I can't believe it's been almost a year. we got divorced last December. maybe I still love him and even talk to him-but of course he does not reply. now i have other problems to think of. my mom was disappointed I saw a doctor. he actually prescribed something but she did not allow me to take antidepressants. that maybe was good but i do not think i am an emotionally stable person. my thesis advisor gave up on me and reported that my emotional condition does not allow me to write a good thesis. what the hell is this? i mean can a man literally do all this to a woman? of course i am not an emotionally stable person because i was divorced a year ago and still do not know why; i am a single mother and i beg my ex-father in law to pay the schooling tuition fees of my son; i live with my parents and have quitted my job to be able to finish my thesis, and then i read these very supportive words from my advisor. what logic this society is built upon!

  43. we became close, and i loved him, and then suddenly we stopped talking for like 8 months and then also suddenly he started talking to me and this time he's in a relation with sme girl, after 1 months he again suddenly stopped talking to me, he's with me in university and we barely say hi, and i still love him

  44. am depressed, i'm not me anymore, i feel like am fading, and the worst part is that no one is seeing this in me or feel me, it sucks u know when u r on ur own and u got no one to help u, even though am like what i said, i don't show it, i guess in the end it's my problem that no one feels me or get to help me because i don't even talk abt my issues

    1. you can't expect people to know if you don't talk :)
      even closed ones.
      majority of people are blinded by so many things in this world, our lives are constantly moving fast, it is our fault we don't stop and stare at the people around us, but we should be easier on one another.
      you have to put effort to show it.
      actually if you feel like talking let me know and I would offer you an ear, maybe some cookies!
      let me know if you would like to talk :)

  45. I loved her for 2 years.. Then i confessed my love for her when we became really close.. We were like brother and sister.. Or in other words, like lovers.. My biggest mistake was that i confessed that i love her! Cz: first she wants to stay friends although she loved me back!:/ she didnt tell me why she didnt want to us to happen!:( second.. Jealousy started and we had fights.. Third.. She started ignoring me! And now she doesnt want to get back like before! Like bestfriends and lovers.. Now.. After 2 other years im still in love with her and with every second my love is growing towards her! And it hurts!:'( ive always seen her as an angel in my eyes and ive always told her that she is my princess and that she is beautiful.. Ive protected her!.. And ive done everthing to make her smile that gorgeous smile of hers! But i see her everyday and i cant take my eyes off of her.. And it hurts me when i look at her.. Cz im only crafting photos and memories of her in my head while she is trying so hard to puch me away.. Its frustrating!:'(

    1. You had fights because you were frustrated!! it's not nice to be frustrated at all! It brings instability.
      I think any other girl, and I mean it, will be very happy to have someone so gentle and romantic like you to protect her and to love her just the way you did with this girl. believe me you are the dream of every girl :) I am a girl and I know it. AND, Someone like you deserves to be loved in return. I know what you feel and yes it hurts but be sure that it will pass and one day you will fall in love again with someone who really deserves every single feeling in your heart. you're precious!!

    2. It will pass and i knw that.. But all i know that no matter what happens i wont love anyone like i love her.. I might love her now and forever.. No im sure of it!:/

    3. With time you will. You will definitely do, believe me. Think that you need and you deserve to be loved as well.

  46. This isn't much of a secret since I'm an open book and I hardly ever keep secrets, but I'm broken. I broke myself while trying to protect myself from breaking. I don't believe in love or marriage and I was fine until I found myself one day, out of the blue, in love. With my gay best friend. We do everything together, we cuddle, we even share short kisses sometimes, we walk hand-in-hand, we argue like a married couple... His friends think we're dating. My friends already picked our kids names. We even promised each other to get married if we never find anyone else, even if our relationship won't be sexual. I don't care about sex.
    But I ended it. It became too much to handle. I ruined myself. we would talk 20 hours out of 24. We got too attached. It had to end because it was going nowhere.
    After 2 weeks of not talking to each other, he talked to me. He couldn't handle being away from me. We agreed to talk less but talk to each other anytime we needed each other. We're friends now. We refer to each other as best friends but we know deep down that it's not the case. We can't be as close as we were before. It's unhealthy.

    1. Yes, It’s unhealthy!! Are you sure he's gay? If yes, then you're the only one who's suffering here. You might feel terrible now. You can't sleep well, you can't eat well, and you’re losing energy, fun and even some outings with other friends. I'm sure you're waiting for a call, a chat or anything from him. You’re probably checking your phone every 2 minutes to see if he sent any message. How many times you're checking his online/offline status on Facebook, Skype, whats App per minute? If you're doing all this, believe me, you are stopping your life for nothing. Absolutely nothing. Don't fall into the trap of friendship because it will make you feel worse. Every time you'll have a conversation with him you will feel the happiest person on earth and then when it ends, the pain will start again. This will make u more miserable, frustrated and unstable. Advice? Stay away from him and forget about this friendship until you are cured and you can really accept him as a friend without suffering. Don't stop your life. This will kill you. Move on. It’s not going to happen now. It will take time. But try to help yourself because no one is suffering but you. And now, if you're reading this, I am sure you would need a hug and even you would need to cry. I am hugging you even though I don't know you. Yes, you can cry. Actually, we can cry together. It helps. HUGS and KISSES :)

    2. Yeah, I'm pretty sure he's gay but it's okay. Everything will go away with time and I'll move on because nothing lasts forever. I actually don't do these things. He talks to me first. He's as attached to me as I am to him, only not romantically. But what should I tell him? What excuse can I give him as to why I want to stop being his friend all of a sudden? Thank you for your message and the hug. It was much needed! <3

  47. I'm a lesbian, a few years ago I didn't want people to find out, later on I wanted them to when I found the right moment, now I want them to find out on their own so I wear my heart on my sleeve but it's like no one notices. Me and my extremely lesbian looks and hints and yet no one even considers it, they either think I'm a tomboy or that it's a fashion choice, I doubt they'll even notice if I write gay on my forehead. I'll still have annoying middle-aged men hit on me as if I care, I'll still hear my mother telling me to marry a nice funny guy and not some annoying snob, I wish she knew that I've had a girlfriend for five years now and I'd do anything to marry her!

  48. In this world, you are constantly pressured to be something, but I don't want to be anything.
    I don't want diplomas or high positions or to become rich, I don’t want to even be considered “something”.
    I keep walking up in the middle of the night asking myself "what am I going to do with my life?"
    I find the idea that I could always kill myself, soothing (not so healthy, I know).
    but I chose to live, and even if I end up as a disappointment to everyone, I will be true to myself, even if it meant that I will end up poor or hated by majority, I want the simple life and I want the struggle, so I can learn how to create an alternative and use different tactics from the ones used today to fight.
    I want to create a space for people like me, a place to run to, and attempt to empower them and support them.
    We are a minority but our strength would come from our love and union and knowledge.
    We are desperate, desperate to live, in a system that was created in a way to limit us and suffocate us and make it harder for us to rebel against it.
    Nour merheb said that real freedom is only attained through the state of not being. Lately I understood his words better than ever, but I want to keep on trying Nour, even if I never attain it, I will keep on trying to break free from these chains.
    In this world, you are constantly pressured to be something, but I don't want to be anything.
    I don't want diplomas or high positions or to become rich, I don’t want to even be considered “something”.
    I keep walking up in the middle of the night asking myself "what am I going to do with my life?"
    I find the idea that I could always kill myself, soothing (not so healthy, I know).
    but I chose to live, and even if I end up as a disappointment to everyone, I will be true to myself, even if it meant that I will end up poor or hated by majority, I want the simple life and I want the struggle, so I can learn how to create an alternative and use different tactics from the ones used today to fight.
    I want to create a space for people like me, a place to run to, and attempt to empower them and support them.
    We are a minority but our strength would come from our love and union and knowledge.
    We are desperate, desperate to live, in a system that was created in a way to limit us and suffocate us and make it harder for us to rebel against it.
    Nour merheb said that real freedom is only attained through the state of not being. Lately I understood his words better than ever, but I want to keep on trying Nour, even if I never attain it, I will keep on trying to break free from these chains.

  49. I love her. I'll tell her today.
    That's so fucking scary

    1. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh!! That's so sweet. Hope everything went well :)

  50. I hate him
    so much
    if I had 24 hours to live I would slap him. I'll tie him to a chair and torment him not physically but by telling him everything that he did to me. Every tiny detail and feeling I had.

    1. I can imagine how hurt, angry and sad you are. Many people had exactly the same anger you have. Try to get rid of this in any way so you don't end up hurting yourself.
      Cry, shout or write them down!! Write them here if you want. My friend who just helped me to reply back and me will read them. We've been there. Hugs and kisses <3

  51. I always feel scared when it comes to a new relationship. I feel scared from being hurt by this person and scared from losing the person at the same time. Even if I don't like the person I'm dating very much I feel scared. I hate this feeling and I can't let it go!! I'm tired :(

  52. Natheer, I simply detest you. Your work. Your attitude. Everything.

  53. I wish i didn't get marry!
    In fact I wish i can have my second chance... a second choice... a better one...
    my daughter should have both her parents next to her...
    she should be happy i can't hurt her
    i wish i can tell him that!!!

  54. i still get harrassed and approached by girls and women for sexual needs, and every time it happens i feel down..and most of the times I cry until I can fogrget the feeling..

  55. tonight is no different, I'm unable to sleep for no apparent reason!! I just close my eyes, remember how I and my x used to be, i get so comfortable that I reach orgasm. it's not before that moment that I can fall asleep. I still cry every single time, the guiltiness stays there for a day or two afterwards...

    1. same person here. its been 2 years, i dont know if i will ever get over this.

    2. Neither do i.

    3. please explain, i'm the same person up above..

  56. 1- I have a huge fear of not accomplishing my goals in life.
    2- I was heart broken twice, and been single for 3 years, i want to love and be loved, but i am scared of going into a relationship now, and i fear i will end up alone.

  57. I cheated, I was happy, I smiled everytime I remembered my beloved in front of my fiancé.
    Whenever the idea comes to my mind, I used to Smile, whether I am in a car, at home alone, in the bathroom, eating.. Etc

    I cheated right before the breakup, I loved one, not two.

    I cry when I listen to a song about syrians, when i listen to their stories, I cry when I put myself in my mother's shoes.
    How I treat her sometimes, whenever she is tired, but I am a cold person and I hate it. I can't show feelings, it's hard for me.
    I need to cry, cry and cry.. People don't know that I am sensitive. Because they have never seen me crying. I can only cry, when I am alone.

    With people, I smile because I just forget.

    Thanks for the opportunity.

    1. I wonder how people like you can go by, day by day. God bless you whoever you are.

    2. Do you regret it?

  58. God bless you too <3 made my day

  59. I fell in love with someone who doesn't love me back..had an intimate relationship with him,and now he's denying it and I feel used and's been more than a year and I still love him..despite everything..

  60. My father commented on my pants I chose to wear this morning. He said: "Are u going out wearing this?"
    I wanted to look in his eyes, deeply, and say: You ruined my life, you never asked me what I want or I need, you never cared, you never listened. I did everything by myself, literally everything like if I never had a father... so please don't tell me that you care now.
    But, instead I remained calm, very calm and said politely: It's only shredded on the knee part so it's ok!
    Then, I felt very sad and hurt. Actually, I am sitting now in my office thinking about what happened yet smiling to everyone like if I'm the happiest person on earth. I just want to cry.

  61. We loved each other. I think we still do.
    it started as friends; things escalated to both of us. We started caring so much about one another and sharing parts of our daily lives.
    Most of our communication was online. We never got the chance to meet alot.
    For 2 years that was the case.
    He would send messages that implied his love but never clearly confess it.Then suddenly I felt he was ignoring me, the heat of feelings was put down. I felt used.
    I got sick of the situation.
    We had a fight. I was so stupid to bring it up.
    He didn't reply until after a few days when he thought I'd calm down (he knows me well)
    and he confessed. But he said he wasn't ready gor a serious relationship.
    I wasn't either.
    So I replied that we are friends not more not less.
    I've ignored him for a long time.
    I've tried to make him hate me although I still loved him.
    Now I'm not sure if I still love him or is it just missing nice memories.
    I don't know if he's the one but I wish we could be like before.
    When I see him in person, I act naturally, he acts weird and nervous.
    I think I'll just do nothing and let fate bring what's best for both of us.

  62. So it happens to be that I have a problem with addressing any type of love or passion towards someone. I never loved anyone , I even constantly push my parents away whenever they try to come near me even though they've been nothing but lovable and cheery all my life. My friends know me as the "2-brains ; 0-heart" girl. A while ago I was about to get engaged to someone who cared more about me than breathing! (Which I thought was utterly ridiculous). He was such a gentleman and an amazing human being. I guess we could've been... i don't know. What i know is that every time he tried to make me show any expression of love or even gratitude i failed to deliver. I kept pushing him further away that he stopped trying. Eventually i called off the engagement .. i guess i couldn't deliver. I felt guilty for having him with me when i couldn't give him anything.. i felt selfish.. i don't know what to do..

  63. It's okay u don't have to see me if u don't want to. Turn ur back on me and look away as far as u can, as u always have...
    I'll walk real slow so u won't have to even listen to my footsteps as I get closer to u, I'll even hush my heart beat if it bothers u...
    It's okay, don't turn around, stay as u are, act as if u can't feel my cold shivering hands wrapping around ur waist and holding u .
    I'll just be there, very quite, u won't hear my voice.
    I'll just rest my head on ur shoulder for a minute or two, I'll take a deep long breath of ur sweet smell and maybe let a few tears run down my cheek...
    For a minute or two let me be a ghost, and then I'll leave, just like I came.
    U don't have to remember anything, because there was nothing, u don't have to remember I was ever there because I wasn't...

  64. A guy approached me on Facebook 2 months ago. He's a super handsome guy but shallow, superficial with a very high ego. I couldn't have any feelings for him. I couldn't even bear the conversations we were having. but his ego challenged me and I kept on chatting with him for almost one week. I knew from the way he talks and from his Facebook profile that there is sadness and loneliness behind this weird character . We stopped chatting for a while because honestly I couldn't continue but then he approached me again telling me that he likes the way I think and talk. I made it clear that I don't like him but he keeps on chatting with me. Honestly, I don't want to stop talking to him for one reason: I want to help him discover another world than his.I might be silly but do i have anything to lose? I don't think so as long as no feelings are involved. who knows maybe he needs new kind of friends in his life! Maybe our very short conversations will inspire him. I might be able to help him in a way! I believe that he needs help. and I wish I will be able to do something.

  65. أوقات اهلنا بينزعولنا حياتنا وبيخربووا بلا ما يعرفو أو يحسّو. يمكن من أنانيتن يمكن من طيشن يمكن من قلة خبرتن ما بعرف المهم خربووا.
    بتعيش عم بتحاول تكون قوي بلا ما تلومن أو تحقد علين. بس في ايام قد ما بتكون تعبان وحاسس حالك لحالك بهي الدني ما فيك ما ترجع بينك وبين حالك تلومن وتحس انك بتكرهن, ما بتحبون بتحس بالظلم والتعاسة والقرف من كل شي عم بتعيشوا بسببن. بتضعف... بتبكي شوي...متل لما توقع. بالآخر بتقوم ما كأنو صار شي...بترجع قوي, بتنسى كل شي أو بتتناسا...وبترجع بتحب أهلك وبتعذرن وبتقول هيك الله بدو

  66. I hate it when it rings , all day long : messages, notifications, calls that i didn't get. It's crazy and i hate it ! I hate picking up my phone and recently i can see that i hate checking my mail as well. You read them and POUF they're "read" , now go and reply. Replying to emails or phones or whatever feels so much of a burden.I wish i could throw all of these gadgets away and go on in my life without them. It's not that i hate them , it's that i hate the feeling of guilt that i have for not answering ! It sucks to feel guilty and be reminded ALL THE TIME that you're shutting people out !

  67. جربت كل أنواع الوجع...وجع الفقر، وجع التعتير، وجع العيلة المش ظابطة والخي الظالم، والبي يلي مش فارقة معو حدا، الأناني، الإستغلالي، وجع أنانية عيلتك وقسوتن، وقلة وعين وجهلن، وجع الأحلام يلي ضاعت تغيري يعيش، وجع مسؤولية أغلاط إنت ما خصك فيا، وجع التضحيات لما ما تكون عندك قوة تضحي، وجع طيبة قلبك...
    وجع الفشل وما في حدا يشدك طلوع تتنجح، وجع قل الثقة بالنفس يلي بضلا طلوع نزول، وجع الشغل يلي مش ظابط ولا بأية طريقة ومش قادر تتركو و تحمل حالك وتمشي، وجع الوحدة، وجع لما بتساعد الكل وبتسمعلن وهني ما فين حتى يسمعوك...وجع ضحكتك أوقات...
    وجع الإعجاب بحدا ما بتعرف إذا بتخطر حتى على بالو، وجع حرقة القلب، وجع الأمل... بس بتعرف شو أبشع وجع؟ الوجع إنو ما حدا حاسس فيك وإذا حدا حس أو حاول يفهم بكون هل إحساس سطحي بطريقة بتوجع
    لأ في أبشع بعد...لما بتقرر تنفجر فين كلن وتقرر إنو كلن يحلو عنك، ما بدك تسمع صوت، ولا تساعد حدا، ولا تنعجب بحدا، ولا تحب حدا،...بدك ترتاح وتعيش يومين كأنك لحالك على هل كرة الارضيه...بقوم ضميرك بوجعك!!!!! إيه والله...
    ايه بس هل مرة خلي يوجعني ما لح رد عليه لح عيش لحالي ما كأنو في حدا غيري هون...لحالي و لو في حدي مليون شخص...ولك بدي إرتاح حتى من ضميري

  68. I want to write so many things about my "Father" but I'm not being able to find the right words to express my true feelings towards him. I can't find courage and strength to explain how SELFISH and IRRESPONSIBLE he had been and how he made my life so terribly miserable and difficult. I do have a father who's living with me but he was never a dad. He made me in need of support, security, love and compassion everyday. It feels like you don't have backbones. It badly hurts.
    When my friends talk about their dads, even if they're sick or not alive, I feel a killing pain in my chest with an urgent need to cry. But I don't show it. I smile instead. they believe I have a good one.
    To all men out there, if you don't know what being a DAD means, please don't get married! Please don't have kids.

  69. Yesterday I thought to myself that I might be a bad person with a good coating, I literally couldn't be good to my parents all the time, they just keep sucking me in a way that I can become a bad version of me, I even shouted at my mother, which I haven't done a while ago. After a few minutes, she was sick in bed (it has nothing to do with the mini fight, she had intestine ache probably because of the cold weather), she called my name, even though I have other siblings, she always call my name, I served her, boiled some mint and covered her, I even brought her a bowl of hot water to sink her feet, I wasn't feeling good, I was angry, sad and feeling guilty, she prayed for me and asked god to give me what I want and guide me, but it made me feel kore guilty and grieved.
    I'll just ask god to forgive me and guide me, and help her along..

  70. I let my gf go just like I did with my father, and I'm dead worried that either was a mistake.

  71. I do not belive in God anymore, and I think Muhammad was just a smart guy, not a prophet. Since then I discovered that I was emotionally attached to God, like I had an imaginary friend who I discovered to be a hoax.
    I'm learning to live now without God, without the hope of meeting Muhammad one day.
    But I am afraid, of death especially.

    I'm afraid to live eternally, afraid to die and vanish. I am terrified of everything. Back to when I was a child I suffered from panic attacks, because I was terrified of eternity and God.

    I don't want to vanish when I die. I don't want to exist either. I can't find a way out.

  72. I hate my self for being born because my fam friends bully me and body shame me I want to get help but I feel as though I'll get nagged upon so I cry, or rest in Paradise where I don't feel the urge to die because I'll be there


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