A Lonely Breath

Sounds cheap I know, well that's how I've been feeling lately after learning an incredibly incredible news. Alas, the beach seemed so fallen in misery this afternoon at sunset. Waves clearly confused whether to act angry of what they've come to and react as much as they feel like, or keep that scenery of a nicely wavy shore that a grandma would sit on with her two lovely grandchildren and allow me take their photos. Pretty confusing isn't it?
Those same waves could've burst in anger and emotion eating almost every inch of breath and/or happiness on the way, or just imitate the same routine they've made for themselves of declaring peace and patience. Well not only waves were so messed up, mighty sun was drowsing in dizziness and weakness was hovering. Even those fluffy spring clouds were powerful enough to give our sun a heavy struggle before setting.

Fisherman on water

Their Grandma was watching


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