Attending a closed hall concert for the Fayha Choir was one of the few occasions I was longing for ever since I was in KSA. The thrill of enjoying those moving sounds from the voices of my friends up there on the stage is a privilege by itself, well how about holding a camera taking photos along with my soulmate? That would be nice eh? Actually her camera's battery died long before she could finish shooting, this is why some of the pictures on my SD card are blurry. Their entrance was simply extraordinary - as always. The genius we call Maestro Barkev Taslakian is nothing but a pure blend of originality, creativity, and excellence in everything he applies. I always wondered if I ever could snap the greatest photo of this maestro, but his diligent action was just overwhelming.
Maestro Barkev Taslakian
My friend Mahmoud stood at the center and started chanting "Fog el Nakhel" by himself, and yes actually we all were waiting for all the members to arise from within the curtains, but imagine our surprise, our laughter, our ohhhhhhh, our deep sighs when the nifty sound of sopranos, altos, bass and tenor was coming out from behind our ears. Yes that frantic genius thought this would be a "good entrance", which was far more than that indeed. Between us, I am one single big huge fan of the choir, not only because they all come from my tiny town, not only because I was once a member, but also because they truly know how to shift you through galaxies without even moving a single molecule.
The Fayha Choir
Actually I decided to dedicate this evening only for recording valuable videos of the concert, since all the previous ones were kind of shaky, with inferior sound quality compared to the camera I have now. Ever since there is this one song that really moves me, I really loved to share it as well with other friends/followers/tweeps whatever you might want to call your social networking connections. I'm sure my youtube channel will witness and overwhelming activity in the next few days.
Let's play a game, shall we? Apparently there's been an exhibition, a public art project for the american artist Candy Chang who thought it would be interesting to open up a space where people can anonymously project their confessions, their deepest secrets, and enjoy the reaction of whoever reads it. Source: Original Article "By the end of the exhibition, over 1500 confessions were displayed on the walls. It’s about sex, love, or fears of dying alone. By collecting the confessions of the hotel’s visitors, this project seeks to create a cathartic sanctuary for this temporary community and help us see we are not alone in our quirks, experiences, and struggles as we try to lead fulfilling lives." Source: Original Article Source: Original Article This post is written for the benefit of the public. I invite you everyone to do the same, let's share our secrets. Hint : Post your confession in the comment field below while choosing the " ...
An email found its way to my inbox, with a PowerPoint presentation attached, seemingly having photographs inside, in a way to remember the great photographer Schwebel who was stabbed lately in Buenos Aires, while taking snapshots of a local memorial. Such emails are easily thrown into the garbage bin usually, but the familiarity of the photographer's name was the reason I opened the presentation: And what a shock that was! Firstly, here's a translated extract of the Swiss Grandes Espaces on the latest incident: Wednesday morning, February 8, 2012, Laurent Schwebel, 52, was stabbed to death by a thug who stole his camera in the center of Buenos Aires. The murderer, 24, was chased by witnesses of the drama, and apprehended by the police. Lawrence returned from Antarctic trip with Christian Genillard, and rejoiced to discover the Iguassu Falls before returning to his Alsace. More on the incident is found here . Laurent Schwebel You might be wonder...
I've been looking around for a digital copy of the Forward Forum booklet, the recruitment forum that took place last weekend in BIEL, Beirut. I attended for the sake of getting a copy of that booklet, a role I played ever since I was in college, and of course to meet my peers and exhibiting companies. I usually get the booklet and share it among friends, and whoever needs it and for some reason couldn't be there. Here's an extract of the organizers' webpage : "After last year's tremendous success and on behalf of CAREERS & E Square –Events & Exhibitions , it gives us great pleasure to invite you to the thirteenth edition of the International Forum for Orientation & Recruitment, FORWARD 2013 and to the third edition of, BUSINESS 2013 which will be both held at BIEL- Lebanon from Thursday, 18th till Sunday, 21st April 2013 and from 4:00 pm till 10:00 pm ." The forum takes place every year, mostly in BIEL, at the beginning of spring sea...
Group picture of (part of) the team that helped restore the Saeh Library in Tripoli Whenever I transfer pictures off from my camera’s memory card, I tend to name the transfer with whichever occasion that took place the moment the shots were taken at. I had never thought a day would come when I’d label my transfer “Saeh Beneath the Ashes”, the shock and trauma of that instant are still indescribable. But as I – and many others – had promised, the Library will be clean and will for sure shine like never before, in little to no time. Hence, today’s transfer was called “Saeh Renovated”, and it’s only the second day after the incident :) Being there at the library the whole day long and having to process so many pictures, gives me little time to get comfortable enough to remember tiny details and narrate about this and that of all the funny and silly moments throughout both days, today and yesterday, but all at the same time I can’t stop myself from transferring to whoever couldn’t show...
Living in a society such as mine is a disease by itself. You're brought up having several built-in aches and burdens that might (or will be) your biggest obstacle. You'll end up at the age of 20 yrs old feeling overwhelmed with the poison stuck on your skin from your surrounding. Being poor will seem to you like something extremely unacceptable, because dreams need money to happen; therefore, getting involved in too many business projects, being employed in several part-time jobs, or maybe cheating and stealing in some extreme cases might be the only solution. You are also "chipped" with an on-going love for lust and sexual desires due to an innate sexual repression, driven always by the standard stereotypes of a woman to the child's eyes, a woman that represents his mother's breasts of which he was obligated to abandon, a woman who is the imagery of a dream girl, a woman with her amazingly heavenly voice, a woman so charming that he would sell his soul for; ...
Here's why tomorrow, April 25th, is a big day in the history of Lebanon. For decades we had been accustomed to riding cars, whether for leisure or for work; that same car had been going hand in hand with social status: you have no car, you then belong to the poor. Owning a high end car, on the other hand, meant you're doing well, and thus earn society's respect in some way. Fast forward to last year where two girls, with the help of friends, had started what we know today as the BikeToWork day, years after being infatuated with the charm of the four-wheelers, as in to try and encourage an entire nation to go back to the days the majority had no cars. How did they get around? How were delivery boys getting by? How did my grandfather and yours go to work at their younger years? It's that mesmerizing slinky beast we all call the bicycle. I mean, it's often cheap, doesn't really cost any maintenance really, doesn't break down easily, doesn't take up ...
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