My 30 Day Challenge - Day 22

Day 22 - A picture of something you wish you were better at
(Read more about the 30-Day Challenge)

I've been struggling lately to recuperate some of my skills in French speaking. My years in College and in being an engineer afterwards were more than enough to make me forget probably more than 80% of my ability to generate full sentences and go further in conversations that go beyond salutes and shallow topics. For instance, read what happened with me when I went for an interview with a company partly french. Such incidents are humorous at the moment, but are in fact showing the trace of a major problem waiting to be fixed.

PS: this is not the no.1 thing I'd love to be better at, this post was made totally for the sake of having fun. Main thing will remain a secret.


  1. 5arjak men shen ta3ref shou3ouri ya sa7bi


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