My 30 Day Challenge - Day 1

Day 01 - A picture of yourself with fifteen facts. (actually I pleasantly got 20 facts)
(Read more about the 30-day Challenge)

And here are the 20 facts that I came up with:

1- I never weighed more than 65KG, and my average weight is a steady 60KG
2- I was once a programming addict, a total computer geek, and an introvert book nerd.
3- I believe most people (if not all of them) live a lie and don't truly know who they are, yes, even yourself
4- I believe not in the religions of today, for all of them are plain businesses and encourage bigotry. I only believe that religion is the kindness we brought to this world.
5- My first camera was a canon (yes a canon) Powershot A480, worth 200$ at the time, which I had had saved the money for probably several months earlier.
6- My dream car is a black Mini Cooper S
7- I cry, a lot, sometimes
8- I often munch on my lips' tissues and love the taste of blood
9- I have a secret bucket list (things to do before I die), and I write diaries
10- I don't know how to swim
11- I love gaming (console gaming) more than anything
12- I hate my university specialty, thus my job
13- I LOVE the smell of coffee but can never hide my disgust of the aweful taste
14- I am my own monitor, punisher, rewarder, etc..
15- I fondly love to cook on the sole condition that you don't criticize the taste!

here are a few more:
16- I love to constantly and blindly give and offer help with no expectations in return, though a thank you is always appreciated
17- I dream of changing who I am and finding the real man I constantly see in the mirror
18- I have a kind of a OCD called the Compulsive hoarding disease, though I'm curing myself out of it.
19- I've been hospitalized once (at age 6) for kidney infection, and never broke any bone in my body my whole life
20- One day I will become a prime minister. Yup, this is a fact.


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